
A map of all the places I've given a talk

Invited talks:

  1. LMU Munich seminar 2023, Munich
  2. KiDS-1000: Cosmology with improved cosmic shear measurements

  3. Innsbruck seminar 2023, Innsbruck
  4. Unifying shear and redshift calibration with the SKiLLS multi-band image simulations

  5. KIPAC tea talk 2023, Stanford (virtual)
  6. Lessons for LSST Weak Lensing from the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS)

  7. Intriguing inconsistencies in the growth of structure over cosmic time 2022, Sesto
  8. Multi-band image simulations to unite the shear and redshift calibrations

  9. Leiden-GRAPPA GW cosmology meeting 2019, Leiden
  10. Gravitational Lensing of Gravitational Waves

  11. NAOC galaxy formation lunch talk 2018, Beijing
  12. Gravitational Lensing of Gravitational Waves


  1. European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 2023, Krakow
  2. KiDS-1000: Cosmology with improved cosmic shear measurements

  3. Euclid Consortium Meeting 2023, Copenhagen
  4. Cosmology with improved cosmic shear measurements from KiDS-1000 dataset (Plenary flash talk)

    Interplay between SHE and PHZ calibration (Splinter contributed talk)

  5. NL Euclid Science day 2023, Groningen
  6. Lessons for Euclid Weak Lensing from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS)

  7. Euclid OU-SHE meeting 2022, Edinburgh
  8. Multi-band image simulations to unite the shear and redshift calibrations

  9. The 77th Dutch astronomers' conference 2022, Blankenberge
  10. Multi-band image simulations to unite the shear and redshift calibrations

  11. KiDS busy week 2021, Virtual
  12. SKiLLS: multi-band image simulations to unite the shear and redshift calibrations

  13. KiDS busy week 2020, Virtual
  14. Cosmic Shear with Red/Blue Splits

  15. Workshop on substructure lensing 2019, Beijing
  16. Detecting Lensing-Induced Diffraction in Astrophysical Gravitational Waves

  17. The 2nd gravitational wave astrophysics conference 2018, Xiamen
  18. Gravitational Lensing of Gravitational Waves: A Statistical Perspective


  1. KiDS-1000: Cosmology with improved cosmic shear measurements
  2. SJTU astronomy talk2023, Shanghai

    SHAO seminar2023, Shanghai

    BNU theoretical cosmology seminar2023, Beijing

    Tsinghua DoA talk2023, Beijing

  3. Unifying shear and redshift calibration with the SKiLLS multi-band image simulations
  4. LMU Munich seminar2023, Munich

  5. Multi-band image simulations to unite the shear and redshift calibrations
  6. CMB-LSS group meeting2022, Cambridge

    Durham seminar2022, Durham

    LSST DESC WL meeting2022, Virtual

    HSC+PFS+Rubin discussions2022, Princeton (virtual)